Matsya Avatara

Cows Saved a Life (Hindi)

Cows Saved a Life 

Kurma Avatara

Tenalirama (Hindi)

Varaha Avatara

The Effects of Milk On The Mind (Hindi)

The Effects of Milk On The Mind 

Narasimha Avatara

Tea A Cow Killer Leaf (Hindi)

Tea A Cow Killer Leaf 

Vaman Avatara

Bullocks Run Faster Than Horses (Hindi)

Bullocks Run Faster Than Horses 

Parashurama Avatara

Miracles of the Cow (Hindi)

Miracles of the Cow 

Rama Avatara

Go Sushma (Hindi)

Go Sushma 

Krishna Avatara

Egoists Bow To Miracle (Hindi)

Egoists Bow To Miracle 

Buddha Avatara

Blessed is the Land Where the Bullock Walks (Hindi)

Blessed is the Land Where the Bullock Walks

Kalki Avatara

Cow The Beloved Mother of All (Hindi)

Cow The Beloved Mother of All 

Panchgavya (Hindi)

Whites Are Black (Hindi)

Whites Are Black

Are We Independent (Hindi)

Are We Independent 

Yet Another War of Independence (Hindi)

Yet Another War of Independence

A Crane Amongst The Herons 

A Handful of Mustard Seeds

A Life-Changing Incident from the Life of Arjun

A Person is Known by his Words

A test of Birbal

Advent Lord Krsna

Agar Ma Ganga

An appointment with death

Ancestral Well

Antelope and the hunter

Bala Book- A Gift of Love

Bala Book-Gopal the Invincible

Bala Book- Kaliya King of Serpents

Bala Book- The Life Story of Swami Prabhupada

Bala Book- Vedic Literature

Bald Man under Bael Tree

Bamboo shoots and deodar tree

Beautiful Antlers

Bhagavan Pandita becomes ghost

Birbal Escapes Layoff

Birds in Net

Blacksmith and Potter

Blacksmith and the Potter

Blind Man Holding Cow Tail

Blind Men and Elephant

Boatmans Dream

Bogus Sadhu

Boxing with the Sky

Boy Who Would Not Give Up Sweets

Brahman and Cobbler

Brahmin who knew many languages

Brave Hanuman in Lanka

Building the bridge

Building the bridge Rama Setu

Cave that Talks

Change of Heart 

Cheating Blacksmith

Chotu and Micky

Close the Door

Come on let me grab this one too

Conflict Among Friends

Cracking Nuts

Crippled man and the prostitute

Crossing the River when its dry

Crow and Snake

Cutting own nose to spoil another’s journey

Dangerous Friends

Dangerous Intelligence

Desire to Swim

Difference between Truth and Falsehood

Doctor Crane

Does the lion ever have bad breath

Dog and the Horse

Doing Sums for Teacher

Donkey runs after Lion

Dove and King Mouse

Drowning Man

Elephant and the tailor

Enquiry by Narada Muni

European visits temples in India

Every man is too much attached 

Exploding Frog-01

Exploding Frog-02

Exploding Frog-03

Faith and Relationship

Faith in Krishna

Faithful Friend is better than gold

Fallacy of Custom

Family for Gita-01

Family for Gita-02

Fertile Field

Fisherman Basket

Fisherwoman and the flowerwoman

Flying Popcorn

Foolish Bumble Bee

Foolish Friend

Foolish people follow blindly

Foolish pot maker

Four brahmin boys

Four Bulls and The Lion

Frogs and Stone

Frogs Half Rupee Coin

Gladstone plays horse

Gold, Silver and Iron Shackles

Golden Stone pot-01

Golden Stone pot-02

Gopal and the day dreamer

Gopal Count the Stars

Gopal goes to the heavenly planets

Gopal jokes with the king

Gopal makes a garland

Gopal makes fun of King’s son

Gopal measures the Earth

Gopal the hilsa fish

Gopal the sweet seller

Gopal the thief and the dacoits

Gopal who is the master

Gopal writes Mahabharata

Gopal defeats Digvijaya pandit

Gopal’s new house

Greed Brings Misery

Greed overcomes Intelligence

Greedy Monkey

Half Young Half Old

Hardwar Bastha

Holy men and woman-01

Holy men and woman-02

Humble Beggar-01

Humble Beggar-02

Hunter and the Birds

Hunter and the Fox

I Know Krishna

If there is money then there is intelligence

Increasing Fever

Intelligent Dove

Jabala and Gautama Muni

Jasovanta Singh Returns Home

Jharikhand Animals Maddened by Krishna

King and the Crow

Knowing a saint

Knowing the art

Krishna in Dwarka

Krishna’s Headache

Krishna the Enchanter

Krishna-The Real Hero

Lady carrying stick

Lalu and Kalu

Lazy Donkey

Lazy Kamsingh

Lazy man becomes more lazy

Lesson on Geometry

Liquid Beauty

Lively Hell

Logical Bull

Lord Ganesha

Lord Indra and the Brahmana

Lord is Impartial

Make Friend

Maksi Manda Kanani

Marriage Party

Mayavadi who got trodden on

Mercy For Earnest Only

Mice Ate Iron

Money attracts money

Mouse wants to become King

Musical Donkey

My Dear Krishna

Naked Penco

Namacharya Srila Haridas Thakura

Narada and Snake

Narada and the hunter

Narada Muni

Naughty Krishna’s Daily Activities

Navadvipa before Nimai’s advent

Nimai Accepts Offering of Jagdish and Hiranya

Nimai’s Astrological Predictions

Nimai’s Wonderful Footprints

Nimai Water Pastime

No responsibility

Offering for Lord Gopal

Old Swan Advice

Open door and allow light

Opulence of Lord Krishna

Palavarve boinate

Papu and Dharmu

Pastime of Nimai with two thieves

Pauper and Omniscient Sage

Physician’s Knife

Pleasure and Sacrifice in devotion

Popcorn Bondage

Proud Dung Beetle

Proud Pandit

Prudence Woodcutter

Rabbit and the Lion

Radha and Krishna Pets Activity Book

Rascal Veterinarian

Real Samadhi-01

Real Samadhi-02

Right whip for right dog

Robbers are waiting

Rowing along the wind-01

Rowing along the wind-02

Saintly persons by nature are tolerant

Sargal Singh

Scared Rabbit

Scholar and the Boatman-01

Scholar and the Boatman-02

Scissor philosophy

Sculptor who tried to cheat Yamraj

Seeing Sun in Night

Sky is falling

Smoking ganja through the hands of friend

Snake and the Woodcutter


Sour Grapes

Spitting Upward

Sri Purushottama Kshetra Jagannathpuri

Srila Haridasa Thakura

Stealing Banana

Story of Arjunacharya

Story of Bhrigupada

Strike of Body Parts

Telling lies to save life

Tenalirama and the brinjal

Tenalirama catches the thief

Thankless Soul

The Ascetic and the loin cloth

The Astrologer

The Axe and The Tree

The Bank Managers heart

The blessing of old lady

The Blindfolded Man

The Boy who Didn’t Answer His Exam

The cat becomes a doctor

The cat hangs herself upside down

The Cat in the Basket

The challenge of the Hilsa Fish

The chandelier of Nawab

The clever cock

The Courage of The Gurkhas

The crab and jackal

The crow becomes peacock

The crow sings a song

The dance of a camel

The Dancer who did not Perform

The Day Dreamer 

The deaf man

The Devotee who kept his Tilaka

The Dogs Tail

The Dozing Judge

The drummer

The Drunkard

The eggs of the snake

The elephant and the tusk

The elongated shadow of the fox

The Expert Plasterer

The fallacy of blindly following

The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

The foolish monkey

The foolish tree

The fox that lost its tail

The Frogs in the Pot

The gift of heart

The Good and The Bad Villages

The grand procession

The hairy sage

The hare and the tortoise

The hen which gave golden egg

The heron teaches a lesson to the fox

The hidden treasure of the field

The Himalayas gave Birth

The Honest Thieves

The horse becomes a slave

The Humble Beggar

The hungry fox

The Hunter and the Fox

The idiot gardener and the stupid pundit

The jackal changes the dress

The jnanis advice

The judges tiffin break

The Jungle King

The king misunderstood Gopala

The Kshatriya Queen

The lady and the bird

The Lamb and the Tiger

The Lazy Men

The Leaf Boat

The Liberal Aunt

The Lion and the Fox

The Lion and Slave

The little lamb and the fox

The Magic Chant

The man who lost his hat

The Man who wanted to Taste Sugarcane

The man who was going to prostitute

The Man who wouldn’t change his word

The mendicant who begged a pot

The Milkman

The mischievous dog

The missionary and the coal miners

The model kshatriyas

The monkey and ogre

The monks and the rabbi

The mouse saves the lion’s life

The Nawab’s Chandelier

The Old Lady’s Blessing

The old man and the young girl 

The old women and her half pomegranate

The passing away of Bhisma

The pigeon and the painted water

The poor brahmin

The proud housefly

The quail and her children

The rat who got liberation

The result of hard punishment

The result of the donkey’s love

The Royal Elephant

The sacred thread ceremony of Little Nimai

The Sadhu and the Ram fight

The saintly person’s blessing

The self-made millionaire

The Shyamantaka Jewel

The snake and the mouse

The Sparrow and the eggs

The stork and crab

The Strike of the body parts

The Sweet Seller

The swimming rat and a hopping frog

The taste of jackfruit

The Test of Faith

The Thankless Souls

The thief and the dacoits

The thief and the rich man 

The thirsty crow

The three brothers

The three sages

The tiger and brahman

The tree god and the man

The True Friends

The wager of yogi

The washerman dog and the donkey

The woman who lost her baby

The woodchopper

The wood-cutter and the sea-god

The worthless worshipper of Kali

There runs thief

Thief Becomes Sadhu

Thief in a Holy place

Thief in Vrindavan

Three Fishes

Tolerance is the key for a spiritual aspirant

Travel with the Donkey

Two foot smoke

Two Holy men and the woman

Two Holy men and Woman

United we stand

Upside down plant

Vali and Vamana

Vedvyasa- The Literary Incarnation of God

Villagers And The Train

Washerman and the lazy donkey

Wealth cause of trouble

Weighing Elephant

What did the bear whisper

Who is the Greatest person

Who is the Master

Who is the strongest wind or sun

Who will bell the cat

Whom to beg from

Wise Old Monkey

Yes-No-Very Good

Yogi who walks on water